Our dream is to train instructors and to go to all areas of the state and nation bringing music, culture, and dancing as a way to prevent suicide, drug, and alcohol abuse. All donations are tax-deductible. See info below for donation options.

Donate online to Dancing with the Spirit through the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska. (Choose Dancing with the Spirit from the Fund drop-down menu.)
Donate via check made payable to Dancing with the Spirit. Mail the check to:
Dancing with the Spirit
1205 Denali Way
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Your tax deductible donation totally goes to support Dancing with the Spirit village travel and musical instruments.
Mahsi’ choh, Ana bassee, Quyanaq, Quyana, Gunalcheesh, Haw’aa, AwA’ahdah, and Thank You!
For more information, email Dancing With The Spirit at dancingwiththespiritak@gmail.com or call 907-388-3347.