Portugal. The Man founding band members John Gourley and Zach Carothers visited the Native village of Tyonek in October 2019 with Dancing with the Spirit instructors Rion Schmidt and Mirah Phelps – teaching and inspiring the students to sing their Grammy Award Winning song Feel It Still. Thank you Portugal. The Man, Newport Festivals Foundation, Tebughna Foundation, Tyonek School, and the community of Tyonek.
John and Zach met at Alaska’s Wasilla High School in 2001. Tyonek School had been wanting Dancing with the Spirit to come for several years—so they were happy when the Newport Festival Foundation offered to fund a music week on the recommendation of Portugal. The Man. Tyonek is a small Athabascan Native village on Cook Inlet across from Anchorage. The local people are called “Tebughna” or “the Beach People.”

Click here to learn about Portugal. The Man’s Grammy-winning song, “Feel It Still.”